The Saskatchewan College of Dietitians, formerly the Saskatchewan Dietitians Association, is the regulatory body for the almost 500 dietitians in Saskatchewan.
A Registered Dietitian is a health professional who is an expert in food and nutrition and has extensive scientific knowledge in biochemistry, human physiology, lifestyle and health behaviours. Registered dietitians are the only regulated nutrition professionals in Saskatchewan and have a minimum of five years post secondary education.
Dietitians look beyond fads/gimmicks to translate nutrition science into practical solutions.
Dietitians work in many different settings with individuals, groups and communities.
As a regulatory body, we protect the public interest by establishing the registration requirements and enforcing:
⇒ a continuing competency program
⇒ Standards of Practice
⇒ Code of Ethics
We also intervene in cases of unacceptable practice through a complaints investigation and discipline process
SCD is accountable to the Government of Saskatchewan, the public and the registered dietitians of Saskatchewan. SCD Board meetings are open to the public and an annual general meeting is held annually, typically in June.