As a consumer of health services you should receive competent and ethical care every time you use the services of a regulated health care professional. If you feel your care was not delivered in a professional and appropriate manner, or with your best interest in mind, you have a right to speak out. We recommend the following steps:
First, talk with the dietitian about your concern. They will want to know that you are not satisfied with the services you have received. Sometimes, problems can occur because there has been a misunderstanding between you and what you expected and what the dietitian believes should be done in regards to your care. Talking to your dietitian can often resolve your concerns or questions.
Second, if the dietitian is unable to resolve your concern of if you are not comfortable talking about your concerns with the dietitian, talk to the manager or employer’s Client Representative/Patient Advocate/Quality of Care Coordinator. Access contact info here.
If you have tried to resolve the concern at the local level and this didn’t work or if don’t feel it is right for you, contact us about initiating a complaint. When submitting a complaint, the SCD Complaint Form will be used. A panel of the Professional Conduct Committee will investigate and review every complaint filed with SCD using the process shown in the SCD Investigation-and-Discipline-Process Infographic
The Network of Inter-regulatory Organizations (NIRO) is a Saskatchewan based network of health regulators. They have a website (accessed here) that includes information to help the residents of Saskatchewan know who to contact when they have a concern to raise regarding one of Saskatchewan’s 27 regulated health professions.