Registration requirements for the profession of dietetics in Saskatchewan are set out in the SCD Regulatory Bylaws.
Education: A university degree from a program approved by SCD for the purposes of registration. Approved dietetic education programs are those that have been accredited by Accreditation Canada-EQual program (access list here). Dietetic education received outside of an approved program will be assessed to determine substantial equivalence.
Internship/ Practicum: A practical training program approved by SCD for the purposes of registration. Approved practical training programs are those that have been accredited by Accreditation Canada-EQual program (access list here). Practical training completed outside of an approved program will be assessed to determine substantial equivalence.
Currency: Academic and practical training must be obtained within three years of the date of application. Beyond three years, the applicant may be required to undertake academic and/or experiential upgrading to be eligible for registration.
Good Character and Reputation: The applicant must be able to demonstrate good character and reputation. This involves a declaration at the time of application, submission of a current police information check and if applicable providing details on past/current licensing history.
English Language: Fluency in English at the professional level is required to ensure language is not a barrier for the applicant to practice dietetics in Saskatchewan. When the language of instruction for dietetic education is not English, the applicant must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English at a professional level. Contact SCD to find out more about the English proficiency requirements.
Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam (CDRE): The CDRE is a four-hour, computerized, multiple choice examination designed to test practice-based knowledge, application, and critical thinking skills required to competently and safely practice dietetics. Only applicants who have met the other requirements for registration and have been approved as members of SCD with restricted licenses are eligible to write the CDRE. The fee for the CDRE is $600 and it is offered twice a year (May and November). The CDRE can be attempted a maximum of three times with mandatory upgrading required after a second failure.
SCD has an online registration and payment process which can be accessed here.